Configurable P10 Single Colour Display with Modbus Connectivity

In Industrial applications, Modbus is a very common protocol which is used by PLCs to make information / data available which is to be displayed on big LED screens. We wanted to develop a cost effective solution where the display is configurable and accepts Modbus data.

The display can be customized to size and each row is independently configurated to show Fixed or Variable message in steady or scrolling format. Each line can accommodate messages up to 150 characters which can be increased if needed.

Data connectivity is RS485 Modbus or TCP/IP Modbus over Wi Fi or UDP over Wi Fi.


* Sizes up to 54 sq ft.

* Multiple rows depending on size of display

* Configurable messages as Fixed / Variable

* Steady / Scroll left to right or right to left or partial scrolling

* Supply 110-240 V AC