LED Light Run Meter with Cloud connectivity

This device was developed for a company in Carbon footprint consultancy which needed a device which will help them gather the data for analysis of impact of using LED Lights in remote areas which help in saving the Carbon footprint.

The device monitors external inputs, in this case On and Off switching of LED lights and keeps track of running hours of these inputs.

Data is sent periodically to Cloud. Device uses 4G GPRS connectivity to send the data seamlessly to the Cloud. 4G provides 100% data porting as against 2G which has connectivity issues and network availability problems.

Cloud Server provides multiple user login, reports of usage, downloading of data with filters in CSV format and it has basic statistical functions built in.


* Up to 3 digital / potential free contact inputs

* Built in Real Time clock

* 4G GPRS connectivity

* OTA (Over the air) upgrade of firmware

* Configuration by SMS

* WiFi connectivity for local reporting without Cloud

Though in this particular project the device is used as aid for Carbon Footprint analysis, it can be used in Industry for monitoring any process inputs / IOs or event logging and making the data available on Cloud.